Connecting The Value Chains From
Innovation & Entrepreneurship to Enterprise Sales
European Co-CreationX (ECCX) is a European collaboration & matchmaking platform for private & public enablers within education, entrepreneurship, innovation & business acceleration. Developing joint projects for enterprise sales of technologies.
Connecting value chains & best practice from entrepreneurship & innovation to technical solutions & enterprise customers.
We further co-creation & connections between students, incubators, startups, scaleups & enterprises across Europe.
This with 3 parallel legs connecting the value chains from student entrepreneurship
& innovation to technical solutions & enterprise customers.
1. Enterprise Demand & B2B Sales
2. Commercialization of Innovation
3. Student & Entrepreneur Community
3 Parallel Joined Legs: Focus on enterprise demand to drive commercialization of innovation & new innovators & entrepreneurs
ECCX is a platform from where public & private EU partners can co-create projects of mutual interests, further mutual agendas & elevate existing partners’ initiatives to European audiences & target groups.
Activity focus lies in connecting enterprise customers with startups & scaleups. To further open up European markets for each other. Focusing on the end-customer demand amongst large enterprise organisations & larger SME’s, in need of new innovation & technology. That said the end-customers & the most crucial target group for innovative startups & scaleups.
The 3 platform activities aims to generate business between innovation supply & enterprise demand. As well as to power the capacity of early stage products & future entrepreneurs. Where the enterprise demand is the driver for commercialization of innovation, new innovators & entrepreneurs.
All at the same time as European innovation & business ecosystems are further connected & integrated with each other.
The industry focus of all activities in the 3 legs, are digital & green innovation, applied & enabling technological B2B solutions in smart city, mobility, energy & resource management.
Learning By Doing
To power & increase the number of future generations of European entrepreneurs & innovators & with those, the growth of more companies & innovation: Startups, Saleups as well as Young talents & students need more hands-on experience & exposure to the world of business. To make more professional connections at an earlier stage.
Instead of teaching students about entrepreneurship, commercialization of innovation & sales. Our platforms focuses on creating value for commercial actors, incubators, startups, scaleups & enterprises. This in activities that engages & exposes students.
To develope their understanding, experiences & professional network.
At the same time as business opportunities & value are made across Europe.
For students to become our future entrepreneurs & innovators, they need more exposure & interaction with incubators, scaleups & enterprises. We are building a European student-run community. Supported by private & public companies & organisations.
To increase European innovative competitiveness we provide European university incubators with a platform to connect & share best practices on commercialization of innovatoin with each other. Exposing students to the process of commercialization of innovation.
For companies to grow in Europe we need to increase access to end-customers across borders. We match European innovative B2B startups & scaleups with their enterprise customers. Exposing students to real enterprise demand & sales furthering their entrepreneurship capacity.
Geopolitical termoil & global competition in innovation are on the rise & are posing both security & economical challenges for Europe. The green transition to a more sustainable society goes here hand-in-hand with increased European self-reliance & a sustainable future.
From replacing energy sources, cleaning & making energy systems & transport more efficient, to upgrade of buildings & industry complexes. Applied & enabling technologies are needed across industries to make our cities greener. The green transition is needed & offers here political as well as economic opportunities.
But the implementation of this needs to be built on applicable innovation & sustainable business models. Most importantly we need to empower the key stakeholders in this transition; our innovators & entrepreneurs.